If your book is now published (congratulations š, by the way), or nearing publication, then you may be wondering: "Where can people buy my book?"Ā
- Note: you might also be wondering:Ā "when can people buy my book?" Click here for the in-depth answer to that question.
To quickly find some of the links to where your book is listed online, log in toĀ OctavoĀ and click theĀ Online ListingsĀ tab.
Under Tellwell's Managed Distribution program, your paperback (and hardcover, if applicable) book will be set up for print-on-demand distribution through Ingram, which will make your book available to over 39,000 retailers around the world. We also offer an Enhanced Amazon which optimizes paperback and/or hardcover listings on Amazon.ca in particular.Ā
Each retailer can decide whether or not they list your book, but the most popular retailers that typically list our authors' books online are amazon.com,Ā chapters.indigo.ca and/or barnesandnoble.com -- you can visit any of these sites and search for your book title and author name to find the online retail links for your book.
The best retailer links to purchase your book from depends on the reader's country.
The following table is by no means an exhaustive list, but outlines the most popular and reliable online retailers where you can expect to find your book for sale.
Print book retailer "best bets" by country | |
Country | Online RetailersĀ |
Australia |
Amazon.com.au (Dymocks and Booktopia typically inflate prices)Ā Ā |
Canada |
Amazon.ca*, Chapters.Indigo.ca (Amazon.ca with Enhanced Amazon) |
UK | Amazon.co.uk, Waterstones.co.uk, Gardners.com, Blackwells.co.uk |
USA | Amazon.com, BarnesandNoble.com, Bookshop.org |
International | BarnesandNoble.com, Amazon.com, ask us for others! |
If your publishing package includes eBook distribution, the channels Tellwell can make your book available through are as follows:
- Kindle: Amazon and the Kindle app.
- Kobo: Chapters/Indigo and the Kobo app.
- Smashwords:Ā Apple Books, Barnes & Noble Nook, OverDrive, Scribd and more.
If you publishing package includes Audiobooks, then that edition will be available for purchase through Audible, Amazon and iTunes.
Find which editions of your book are available (paperback, hardcover and/or eBooks) by logging in to Octavo, clicking the Purchases tab, and scrolling down to Distributions Purchased
Related Articles:
When will my book appear online?
What is Print-On-Demand Distribution?
*Please note the above information is subject to change without notice, based on the individual policies of each distributor and retailer.